Tippin Gymnasium at PennWest Clarion Achieves LEED Certification

At DLA+, believe design excellence and sustainability are fundamental and take seriously our obligation to be good stewards of the environment. We’re excited to announce that Tippin Gymnasium at PennWest Clarion recently achieved LEED certification under the US Green Building Council’s LEED 2009 for New Construction and Major Renovations rating system.
The Tippin building renovations included new basketball courts and seating, two new concession areas, new natatorium with a combination swimming/diving pool, expanded wrestling space, locker rooms, and coach's office space. Additions attached to either side of the Tippin building included a new auxiliary gym, new weight room/fitness area, and additional locker rooms and coaches’ offices.
The project was designed by the DLA+GUND Partnership Joint Venture and was completed in late 2019. For more on the project, visit: Clarion University Tippin Gymnasium & Natatorium Renovation.