Women’s History Month, International Women’s Day & the Women of DLA+
Celebrating Women’s Achievements During the Month of March 2024

International Women’s Day (IWD) is a worldwide event celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. Held annually on March 8th, IWD is one of the most important days of the year to:
- celebrate women's achievements
- educate and increase awareness for women's equality
- call for positive change in advancing women
- lobby for accelerated gender parity
- fundraise for female-focused charities

Additionally, we shine a spotlight on the women of DLA+ who make a difference each day at our company and within the industry:
Alexandra Garcia, Architectural Designer
1. What or who inspires you in your career? "In the world of design, I am greatly inspired by my colleagues at work. All of them have their own unique take on design that has helped expand my knowledge tenfold since I began working here."
2. What does this year’s theme #InspireInclusion mean to you? "As a designer, it is extremely important to pull inspiration from people that come from all different kinds of backgrounds. By inspiring others to be even more inclusive to all types of demographics, it can help designs become multi – faceted."
3. What are your hopes for the future of gender diversity within the workplace? "I hope that in the coming years, there is even more gender diversity in the workplace than there is today."
4. What message would you tell young women thinking about careers in the AEC industry? "I would tell young women to not be intimidated if they are considering a career in the AEC industry. A lot of times it is assumed that this field is very male dominant, which I do not believe is true. Design doesn’t discriminate, the work will speak for itself."
5. What is your favorite project or proudest achievement at DLA+? "In my 2 years at DLA+, I would say that my proudest achievement was my work on the Pitt Football Locker Room. This was a project with a fast-tracked timeline where I completed construction documents, managed the consultants, and submitted permits on my own."
Laura Curry, NCIDQ, Interior Designer
1. What or who inspires you in your career? "All of the women who came before me, in design and in life, are my inspiration. Growing up with two working parents, I always admired the sacrifices my mom made to balance a career and a family."
2. What does this year’s theme #InspireInclusion mean to you? "This year's theme encourages us to break down the walls that separate us from each other. #InspireInclusion means finding connections and celebrating individuals."
3. What are your hopes for the future of gender diversity within the workplace? "My hope going forward is that we can look to the past for guidance on the future. As Winston Churchill put it, 'Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.'"
4. What message would you tell young women thinking about careers in the AEC industry? "I would tell young women starting out not to worry about "the way things are" or "how it's always been done." You don't have to be masculine to be an Architect, just like you don't have to be feminine to be an Interior Designer. You are who you are, and your career is only a small piece of a much larger puzzle."
5. What is your favorite project or proudest achievement at DLA+? "Becoming NCIDQ certified has been one of the proudest achievements of my life. While I did put in a lot of personal time studying, working at DLA+ put that education into practice. I credit everyone at DLA+ for supporting me through that process and for helping me become the best designer I can be."
Laura DeLuca, RA, Project Architect, Associate
1. What or who inspires you in your career? "Immersing myself in my hobbies outside of work like going to sporting events, traveling, watching films…I find myself getting new ideas all the time."
2. What does this year’s theme #InspireInclusion mean to you? "Working in a way that values and promotes everyone’s contributions."
3. What are your hopes for the future of gender diversity within the workplace? "I would like to see an industry where women architects are not only given equal opportunities for leadership roles and project ownership but are also actively supported through mentorship, networking, and policies that foster a more vibrant architectural community."
4. What message would you tell young women thinking about careers in the AEC industry? "Don’t be afraid to be yourself and let your personality show, it will go far with connecting with colleagues and clients and make your work life much more comfortable."
5. What is your favorite project or proudest achievement at DLA+? "SSG Baseball Stadium was a career-high project for me as both an architect and a baseball fan. As the sports design lead, I’m extremely proud of the effort our team put into the design. The program was totally unprecedented which posed a lot of challenges and took a tremendous amount of collaboration across multiple disciplines. I’m looking forward to returning to South Korea and attending opening day once construction is complete!"
Jennifer King, NCIDQ, Senior Vice President – Interior Design/Principal and Interior Design Practice Leader
1. What or who inspires you in your career? "Exceeding our clients’ expectations and watching them experience the spaces we design is truly the most rewarding & inspiring part of my career."
2. What does this year’s theme #InspireInclusion mean to you? "As a female leader, it is important to promote an environment where all women are valued and respected."
3. What are your hopes for the future of gender diversity within the workplace? "That more young women will be encouraged to pursue leadership roles within an organization."
4. What message would you tell young women thinking about careers in the AEC industry? "Never stop chasing your dreams no matter how tough the challenge may be."
5. What is your favorite project or proudest achievement at DLA+? "Being promoted to Principal. While there were challenges along the way, I am forever grateful for all the wonderful male and female mentors that help me along the path to a leadership position."
Michele Kunkel, Architectural Designer
1. What or who inspires you in your career? "I’ve always been inspired by the strong women in my life, especially my mom, and I continually aspire to be one. Having role models in your life that push you to want to be your best has helped me get to where I am today."
2. What does this year’s theme #InspireInclusion mean to you? "That women in our industry need to be a guiding hand for younger women coming in. We need to encourage and motivate them to help find their way."
3. What are your hopes for the future of gender diversity within the workplace? "The workplace is ever changing and I’m seeing a lot more women in our industry. I hope this continues and we have more women in leadership roles."
4. What message would you tell young women thinking about careers in the AEC industry? "Don’t be afraid, ask a lot of questions, take risks, never stop learning."
5. What is your favorite project or proudest achievement at DLA+? "I’ve only been here for a year, but since then I have been trusted to take on a lot more than I have in my past. Being able to do this and showcase that I have the skill and knowledge has really been a gratifying experience that I hope to continue to demonstrate."
Madison Belli, Marketing Coordinator
1. What or who inspires you in your career? "My younger self is who inspires me to succeed and to follow my career aspirations. When you’re a child you want to accomplish so much, so I do my best continue the ambition."
2. What does this year’s theme #InspireInclusion mean to you? "Utilizing open dialogue to effectively communicate with one another, so everyone can be heard, valued, and respected."
3. What are your hopes for the future of gender diversity within the workplace? "For women to obtain more opportunities in leadership roles and continue to inspire one another."
4. What message would you tell young women thinking about careers in the AEC industry? "Go for it, show off your designs and talents! "
5. What is your favorite project or proudest achievement at DLA+? "Since I am a part of the beginning of the project process, I truly enjoy watching the projects we win become a reality."