Women’s History Month, International Women’s Day & the Women of DLA+
Celebrating Women’s Achievements During the Month of March

International Women’s Day (IWD) is a worldwide event celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. Held annually on March 8th, IWD is one of the most important days of the year to:
- celebrate women's achievements
- educate and increase awareness for women's equality
- call for positive change in advancing women
- lobby for accelerated gender parity
- fundraise for female-focused charities

Women’s History Month is a celebration of women’s contributions to history, culture and society and has been observed annually in the month of March in the United States since 1987. Women’s History Month 2023 takes place from Wednesday, March 1 - Friday, March 31, 2023. Women’s History Month is a dedicated month to reflect on the often-overlooked contributions of women to United States history. From Abigail Adams to Susan B. Anthony, Sojourner Truth to Rosa Parks, the timeline of women’s history milestones stretches back to the founding of the United States.
Everyone, everywhere can play a part in helping forge gender equality and celebrating the achievements of women. In honor of International Women’s Day and throughout the month of March, DLA+ is celebrating and honoring women in a variety of ways. These initiatives include:
- February 14, 2023 – The women of DLA+ held a lunch meeting to brainstorm ways we could celebrate Women’s History Month and support a local charity.
- March 2, 2023 – DLA+ kicked off the month at the First Thursday company meeting with a women's history month themed game of "JeoPARODY" - with questions all about the amazing women who make up the DLA+ team. It was a LOT of fun and helped everyone get to know the women in our office a little better!
- March 8, 2023 – In honor of International Women’s Day, DLA+ held a lunch and vision board activity for all the women of DLA+.
- March 13 - 30, 2023 – DLA+ is holding a charity drive to collect donations for Dress for Success Pittsburgh. The mission of Dress for Success is to empower women to achieve economic independence by providing a network of support, professional attire and the development tools to help women thrive in work and in life.
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Additionally, we shine a spotlight on the women of DLA+ who make a difference each day at our company and within the industry:
Alexandra Garcia, Architectural Designer
Year Joined DLA+: 2022; Education: The Pennsylvania State University
1. Who is a woman that inspires you and why? My mom inspires me because she has done the best job raising a family and was also able to work in her dream career field of childhood education. She has helped me in every stage of my life and is my best friend. This is the kind of relationship I wish to have with my children someday.
2. What is a career highlight or your favorite project that you worked on at DLA+ and why? My favorite project that I've worked on at DLA+ is the on-going Korean Baseball Stadium because I have had the opportunity to contribute to the project during the creative process and see how a design starts from the ground up.
3. What’s a fun fact about you? My favorite thing to do in my free time is practice yoga.
4. What’s a piece of career advice you’d tell your younger self? I'd tell my younger self that time management is one of the most important skills to have in the professional field.
5. What does “International Women’s Day” mean to you? To me, International Women's Day is a day to celebrate women and how far they have come in terms of respect and equality among society. Having the knowledge of how appreciated, special, and important women truly are is something that everyone should be aware of.
Laura Curry, Interior Designer
Year Joined DLA+: 2022; Education: Kent State University
1. Who is a woman that inspires you and why? My mom is a huge inspiration to me. She worked full-time while raising three kids and building a business with my dad. I don't think she gives herself enough credit for things she's had to overcome in her life.
2. What is a career highlight or your favorite project that you worked on at DLA+ and why? A career highlight for me was getting to work on the PNC Towers renovation as an intern. It was the first big project I got to work on with the DLA+ team and I was able to get involved in most parts of the project, even as an intern. That experience taught me a lot about design in the real world and helped me produce more realistic projects at school.
3. What’s a fun fact about you? I would not describe myself as a girly girl, but for about a year or so when I was little, I would freak out if I wasn't allowed to wear a dress. Nothing could deter me, not even the weather.
4. What’s a piece of career advice you’d tell your younger self? It's okay if the path isn't a straight line. You'll make it where you're supposed to be.
5. What does “International Women’s Day” mean to you? International Women's Day means progress to me. It gives us space to discuss issues we face as women and potential solutions. We hope that every year we can take at least one step forward.
Laura DeLuca, Project Architect, Associate
Year Joined DLA+: 2017 Education: The Pennsylvania State University
1. Who is a woman that inspires you and why? My mom, she has managed to face a lot of challenges the last few years with strength and levity all while still working full-time and being the rock of our family.
2. What is a career highlight or your favorite project that you worked on at DLA+ and why? Working on many PNC Park projects with the Pirates has been a career highlight for me, especially the fan areas in the outfield from 2022. They're my favorite sports team and to be able to go to games and experience the spaces I've had a hand in designing is so rewarding.
3. What’s a fun fact about you? I am currently trying to watch every single movie that has been nominated for Best Picture. I'm about 28% of the way there!
4. What’s a piece of career advice you’d tell your younger self? Don't be afraid to be yourself and let your personality show, it will go so far with connecting with coworkers and clients and make your work life much more comfortable.
5. What does “International Women’s Day” mean to you? It's a day to acknowledge women's contributions to our lives, especially in the workplace, and to empower us to keep that momentum going.
Maryann Westphal, Administrative Assistant/Receptionist
Year Joined DLA+: 2018
1. Who is a woman that inspires you and why? My sister because she's a strong motivated professional who puts her family first. She has raised 3 respectful sons and is a boss who continually earns her employee's respect and loyalty.
2. What’s a fun fact about you? I'm not a dog person at all but fell in love with my daughter's dog and she didn't have the heart to take him when she moved out.
3. What’s a piece of career advice you’d tell your younger self? To set more goals and be more confident in your decision making.
4. What does “International Women’s Day” mean to you? A time to celebrate how women are now building each other up personally and professionally.
Melissa Guenther, Marketing Coordinator
Year Joined DLA+: 2022 Education: Carnegie Mellon University & Florida State University
1. Who is a woman that inspires you and why? One of my closest friends, Katharine. She knows how to advocate for herself and others with poise, elegance, and in a way that commands respect. She creates art, music, and beauty everywhere she goes, and she does this all while living with chronic illness. Her concept of balance is incredible; she understands when it's time to power through and when it's time to rest.
2. What is a career highlight or your favorite project that you worked on at DLA+ and why? As a marketing coordinator, I get to see the potential of a project and what we can do. I think the highlight would be winning the Korean Baseball Stadium project because it's such a fun, exciting venue, and I get to watch the creative process behind the scenes.
3. What’s a fun fact about you? I am a classically trained opera singer and actor, but I love singing rock and metal.
4. What’s a piece of career advice you’d tell your younger self? Don't be afraid to deviate from the plan (and take some graphic design and marketing courses).
5. What does “International Women’s Day” mean to you? International Women's Day is a day to speak out - to shout, even - that while things are much better than they were 100 years ago, we still have a long way to go, both in the US and around the world, before women truly have the same opportunities.
Meredith Rubican, Interior Design Intern
Year Joined DLA+: 2023 Education: Chatham University
1. Who is a woman that inspires you and why? I know it sounds cliché, but my mom is the most inspiring woman I know. She works hard for what she wants, she demands progress in her field - all while being an amazing mother and friend. I wouldn't be who I am, or where I am, without her.
2. What is a career highlight or your favorite project that you worked on at DLA+ and why? Although I am an intern, I have been able to assist on several great projects. I believe the one I am most proud of is the Camp Harmony Pool House. Camp Harmony is a Christian camp in Pennsylvania and the first project I worked on at DLA+. I learned so much from the team and I am looking forward to seeing it complete in the future!
3. What’s a fun fact about you? A fun fact about me is that I was born on Christmas Day. No, I don't like it. Yes, I get less presents.
4. What’s a piece of career advice you’d tell your younger self? Don't settle for who people think you should be, pursue what makes you happy.
5. What does “International Women’s Day” mean to you? International Women’s Day is a day when I reflect on the progress women have made and the obstacles that are still in our way. It is a time where I look at the women in my life - family or friends - and think about how lucky I am to have them.
Michele Kunkel, Architectural Designer
Year Joined DLA+: 2023 Education: The Pennsylvania State University
1. Who is a woman that inspires you and why? My mom. She has always been a strong female influence on my life. She always told me I could do anything I wanted as long as I worked hard. I strive in my personal life and career to be the best I can be, and she helped plant that seed for me that I could do it.
2. What is a career highlight or your favorite project that you worked on at DLA+ and why? I worked on the Women and Children's Hospital in West Virginia. After all the hard work and late hours you've put into a project, to see it used by sick children and their families and how it impacts them in a positive way, is a feeling I can't describe. Impacting lives, especially young ones, with your design is an overwhelming feeling.
3. What’s a fun fact about you? I'm obsessed with Halloween and Christmas. I go crazy decorating, watch all the movies and hope to get tattoos to represent my love of the holidays.
4. What’s a piece of career advice you’d tell your younger self? Never give up. Life gives you peaks and valleys for a reason.
5. What does “International Women’s Day” mean to you? It represents the struggles women have gone through in trying to be a more equal part of society. It's a day to celebrate all of the women, past, present and future, that are making a difference in our world and continue to strive for it.
Jennifer Pavlik, NCIDQ, Senior Vice President – Interior Design/Principal and Interior Design Practice Leader
Year Joined DLA+: 2008 Education: La Roche University
1. Who is a woman that inspires you and why? My mom has been my greatest influence. She has taught me how to be independent, to be a strong woman, to never stop dreaming, and to never give up. She gave me a strong foundation to balance work and family life.
2. What is a career highlight or your favorite project that you worked on at DLA+ and why? Making Principal by age 30 was a career milestone, but it was also the beginning of a new chapter that had new goals, new responsibilities, and new challenges. I am forever grateful for being given this opportunity. Having been in this role for over a decade; I have grown and learned so much about leadership and the importance of empowering the other women around me.
3. What’s a fun fact about you? I love watching the Lifetime Movie Channel.
4. What’s a piece of career advice you’d tell your younger self? You can have it ALL, but you can't have all at the same time.
5. What does “International Women’s Day” mean to you? It's a day to celebrate and empower other women. It's also a day to recognize personal and professional accomplishments.
Sheena Sundin, CPSM, Marketing and Communications Manager
Year Joined DLA+: 2021 Education: PennWest Clarion (Formerly Clarion University of Pennsylvania)
1. Who is a woman that inspires you and why? Really, all women inspire me. For example, here are 75 women who changed the world: https://www.redbookmag.com/life/g26424533/women-who-changed-the-world/?slide=12. No explanation needed there! I can’t pick just one, but I’d say on a more personal note, I’m blessed to have a number of truly amazing friends in my life who rock at their jobs, in motherhood, and so much more - and they absolutely inspire me every day.
2. What is a career highlight or your favorite project that you worked on at DLA+ and why? A highlight of my career would be getting my Certified Professional Services Marketer (CPSM) designation and the opportunities I've had to share what I’ve learned over the years in my professional career by acting as a mentor to others just starting out in the A/E/C industry.
3. What’s a fun fact about you? I live for live music. I might seem small and reserved at times, but catch me at a rock show and you'll think differently!
4. What’s a piece of career advice you’d tell your younger self? Be courageous and confident. Never underestimate yourself. Even in failure, there’s a lesson. Keep trying, continue learning, and you’ll succeed. Although maybe not always in what you were trying for, but that's ok!
5. What does “International Women’s Day” mean to you? It represents progress for women, although still very much a work in progress. It’s definitely a day to honor women who have played not only an extraordinary role in history but those who make a difference everyday.
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